Our donations

We will post news, right here, of our donations, groups and projects we will be working with

We are new business, building our products and community, so bear with us. We will keep you updated as soon as we are able to generate enough of a fund to put back into great worthy marine projects. Anyone wanting just to make donations, please email us at ahoy@seablur.com for more information about supporting us.


How the fashion industry can support marine conservation organisations

How the fashion industry can support marine conservation organisations

The fashion industry has a significant impact on the environment, and in particular, on the health of our oceans. But by supporting marine conservation organisations, the fashion industry can help... Read More
The difference that environmental factories and manufacturing has on the ocean, and how saving water in the manufacturing process is making a useful difference to the environment, the oceans

The difference that environmental factories and manufacturing has on the ocean, and how saving water in the manufacturing process is making a useful difference to the environment, the oceans

The fashion industry has a significant impact on the environment, and in particular, on the health of our oceans. But by adopting sustainable manufacturing practices, we can help to reduce... Read More
Ocean pollution has increased year on year

Ocean pollution has increased year on year

Round the world the oceans and seas are suffering. Pollution has increased and the use of single use plastic still continues.    Read More